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Tirpitz - The First Voyage (Images of War)

Jonathan Sutherland & Diane Canwell

The photos in this book are taken from an unpublished album belonging to a member of the crew of the famous German Battleship Tirpitz. This unique collection gives a close up view of one of the most powerful ships of World War Two, a ship that proved to be a persistent thorn in the side of the Royal Navy until sunk in Norway towards the end of the war.
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The photos in this book are taken from an unpublished album belonging to a member of the crew of the famous German Battleship Tirpitz. It is a little known fact that before the start of World War Two the ship went on a shakedown voyage into the Atlantic, travelling north into Arctic waters and south into the more tropical climbs of the Caribbean. There are superb photos of the officers and crew both above and below decks, including some unique shots of the crew during their stint on a magnificent sail training vessel. Other stunning shots show the vessels mighty weapons during gunnery practice during her sea trials. This unique collection gives a close up view of one of the most powerful ships of World War Two, a ship that proved to be a persistent thorn in the side of the Royal Navy until sunk in Norway towards the end of the war.

ISBN: 9781848846685
Format: Paperback
Author(s): Jonathan Sutherland & Diane Canwell
First Publishment Date: 20 November 2011
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Author(s) Jonathan Sutherland & Diane Canwell
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