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GERMAN BATTLESHIPS 1914 - 18 Vol 2 (New Vanguard)

Gary Staff

Kaiser, Konig and Bayern Classes
Supported by official documents, personal accounts, official drawings and specially commissioned artwork, this volume is an informative history of the key classes Kaiser, Konig and Bayern that formed the backbone of the German Imperial Navy throughout World War I, detailing the technological revolution that had taken place to enable the building of these large dreadnought classes.
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Supported by official documents, personal accounts, official drawings and specially commissioned artwork, this volume is an informative history of the key classes Kaiser, Konig and Bayern that formed the backbone of the German Imperial Navy throughout World War I, detailing the technological revolution that had taken place to enable the building of these large dreadnought classes.

ISBN: 9781846034688
Format: Paperback
Author(s): Gary Staff
First Publishment Date: 20 October 2006
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Author(s) Gary Staff
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