British Warship Recognition - Volume I

British Warship Recognition - Volume I

Jutland 1916 - The Archaeology of a Naval Battlefield

Jutland 1916 - The Archaeology of a Naval Battlefield

Steve R Dunn

Cruiser Warfare and the Starvation of Germany in World War One

Blockade is the story of a long-running battle at sea, a battle for trade which both Britain and Germany had to win in order to survive; in particular, it tells the story of the Northern Barrage and the 10th Cruiser Squadron.


The Royal Navy’s role during WWI in denying Germany access to the sea, trade and vital resources was crucial in helping win the war on the Western Front; the ‘Northern Blockade’, located across the inhospitable waters between Iceland and Scotland, was to bring the German economy to its knees and destroy her home front morale.

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